In the heart of Switzerland lies Lucerne, a city where art and culture intertwine to form a unique identity. Known as the “Poster Town,” Lucerne’s contemporary design movement flourishes, with the Neubad Cultural Center’s posters standing out as a prime example of this artistic fusion.
Artistic Contrast
The deliberate choice of black and white in these posters reflects the diverse array of cultural events hosted at the Neubad Cultural Center. From music concerts to theater performances and art exhibitions, the center embraces a wide spectrum of creative expression, and the posters capture this dynamic essence through their stark visual contrast.
Curated Excellence
Crafted by Erich Brechbühl, Fons Hickmann, Isabelle Mauchle, and Urs Emmenegger, and published by Slanted, the Neubad Plakat collection transcends mere poster compilations. It serves as a showcase of Lucerne’s creative talent, highlighting the exceptional work of Swiss designers while celebrating the city’s cultural vibrancy.