In a groundbreaking collaboration between two renowned artists, KAWS and Dan Colen of the iconic IRAK crew, and the globally recognized brand Nike, a new Air Force 1 collection has been unveiled. However, what sets this collaboration apart is its noble cause—to raise funds for Sky High Farm Workwear and support its mission of providing food security to underprivileged communities.
Celebrating Dover Street Market’s Anniversary
Marking the tenth anniversary of Dover Street Market in New York City on December 16, the retailer has joined forces with Sky High Farm Workwear and Nike to introduce a 10-piece capsule collection. This exclusive collaboration reimagines Nike favorites, including a chore coat, a hoodie, a beanie, and two Air Force 1 colorways, all featuring KAWS’s distinctive style.
More Than Fashion: A Charitable Endeavor
Beyond its appeal to collectors and streetwear enthusiasts, this collaboration holds deeper significance. Sky High Farm Workwear operates under the Sky High Farm Universe, co-founded by Dan Colen and Daphne Seybold. The nonprofit organization aims to address food insecurity and promote food sovereignty in underprivileged communities since its establishment in 2012. A portion of the profits from this collection will support Sky High Farm’s mission, ensuring access to high-quality, nutrient-rich food for those in need.
Reflecting on the challenges of philanthropy, Colen emphasizes the need for innovative approaches to address social issues effectively. Collaborations with high-profile artists and brands provide opportunities to support meaningful causes while engaging a wider audience. KAWS, known for his global impact, resonated with Sky High Farm’s mission and eagerly contributed to the collaboration.
The Artistic Vision: A Unique Air Force 1
At the heart of the collection lies the reimagined Air Force 1, available in white and black, infused with KAWS’s artistic flair. The iconic silhouette features a printed, dye-cut Swoosh applique inspired by Sky High’s cloud-based imagery, creating a distinctive aesthetic. By repurposing existing Nike designs, the collaboration aligns with Sky High Farm’s ethos of creative design and sustainability.
A Platform for Change
In light of the pandemic’s impact on food security and justice, initiatives like Sky High Farm have garnered increased attention. Colen and KAWS aim to leverage this collaboration to amplify awareness and support for their cause. Launching in-store at DSMNY and online at Sky High Farm Universe, the collection represents a pivotal opportunity to make a tangible impact on the farm’s initiatives and promote positive change.
As fashion intersects with philanthropy, the Nike x KAWS x Sky High Farm collaboration exemplifies the power of creativity to drive social good. By harnessing the influence of renowned artists and brands, this initiative transcends traditional boundaries, paving the way for meaningful contributions to communities in need.